So I decided to try out podcasting. Today’s first ever episode is about Social Objects. Why? Because it basically covers the theory behind my cartooning. Show Notes: Just in case the embed above is not working, you can find the podcast by clicking here. Social Objects: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know! (2007 blog post […]
Is your site suffering from a content deficiency?
Have you ever visited a park that lacked any type of attraction? So no playground, trails, pond, shelter, picnic table, or anything else that make a visit worthwhile? Boring right? Unless it’s right across the street from your house with just enough room to toss a ball back and forth, you’re probably not going back […]
The Evaluation Mindset: When Nobody Listens
If only we had known we were vastly underprepared for a global pandemic… I say that tongue-in-cheek. Of course we knew. President after president was briefed with data and evidence showing the potential devastation a pandemic could have on our global society. In advance of a pandemic, anything you say sounds alarmist,” Leavitt explained. “After […]
Creatives in a Box, inspired by @sfdurkin
I asked Sean Durkin, who was a communications director at Dolby Laboratories and is now a communications consultant at SciQuest:Jaggaer, the following question, which inspired the above cartoon. What’s the biggest challenge you face when trying to stay creative while in a corporate environment? the biggest challenge for me is finding time and space to […]
Hey academics, people don’t trust you.
A guest post (by William Faulkner, João Martinho, and Heather Muntzer) put up on my friend Stephanie Evergreen’s blog sparked a big discussion in the comment section. I’ll paraphrase a little… Stats People – You don’t understand anything. Confidence intervals really stand for blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So this is […]
Speaking Developer, inspired by @wesadvance
This cartoon was inspired by developer Wes Vance of Apollo Studios. I asked him to explain one his biggest challenges working as a web developer. He answered with the challenge developers face in talking tech with their clients. It helped inspire the above. The client won’t know unless we teach them. It’s much easier to […]