This cartoon was inspired by developer Wes Vance of Apollo Studios. I asked him to explain one his biggest challenges working as a web developer.
He answered with the challenge developers face in talking tech with their clients. It helped inspire the above.
The client won’t know unless we teach them.
It’s much easier to bring our developer’s expertise down to their level than have them bring up theirs to our own.
Amanda Makulec
Josh Nesbit (Medic Mobile) has a wonderful TEDx talk on this issue of communicating in the same language – in his example, on bridging between the techies (developer types) and the healthies (the program folks).
Rita McPhail
So by development team you are talking about software developers? In the nonprofit world development usually means fund raising. Words are so important!
That’s why it’s important to be techies who focus on the healthies world. Come check out Standard Code (, if you really want to bridge this gap!