Hello my name is Chris Lysy, let’s do a little Q&A.
What kind of consulting do you do?
I fix data problems for a living.
- The Data Sprawl Problem
- The Data Disconnect Problem
- The Slow Data Problem
- The Data Literacy Problem
- The Data Community Problem
- The Data Leadership Problem
- The Data Technology Problem
Check out my data consulting page for more information.
What about the cartoons?
I consider cartooning a professional contribution. I get some patron funding (see below). I’ll also take the occasional big cartooning project but the gigs don’t often pay well enough to make the effort worthwhile.
Are you also the Eval Central person? Can you add my blog?
Yes, I am that as well. Just head over to my contact page. You can send me an email. If we are connected on Twitter or LinkedIn you can also send me a direct message. Also send me a link to your blog.
One thing to note, you also need a valid RSS feed, you can check your site with the w3.org validator. Feeds are what separate blogs from websites and they’re critical to how Eval Central works.
About those cartoons, umm, can I use one in a…
So I creative commons license all of my cartoons. So yes, you can use them.
Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)
This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.
View License Deed | View Legal Code
But what if it’s commercial?
I’m still usually okay with these types of uses. Especially if I don’t have to do any paperwork and my cartoons are secondary to the overall product you are offering. But reaching out and asking (contact) is encouraged.
Where do I see ALL of your cartoons?
I share a lot of my cartoons for free through my weekly newsletter (you can scroll through old posts by clicking on blog). I also share a lot on social media on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. You may also see cartoons on other websites or in someone’s presentation that have never made it onto my site (I do a lot of collaboration).
Now-a-days, if you want to see ALL the cartoons I create, you should become a Patron. I share all of my cartoons on my Patreon feed.
How do I get in touch?
Just head over to my contact page. You can send me an email. If we are connected on Twitter or LinkedIn you can also send me a direct message.