If you want to understand web evaluation, you have to know at least a little bit about design. Landing pages are important elements in contemporary site design. Here is a little guide focused on the why, what, who, how, and what next of landing pages. For my patrons, I’ll have the cartoon deck and a […]
Laureen Trainer’s Why Evaluate Cartoons
Not only did my why evaluate series result in a string of comments, I also received a few cartoon contributions. Today’s post features three cartoons courtesy of Laureen Trainer. I asked Laureen to give a little context, here’s what she wrote: I’m always trying to think of reasons why organizations should evaluate as I work a […]
Limited Resources
Today's “Why Evaluate” cartoon inspired by Jonathan Mwewa: Evaluation helps you to answer to key questions of the existence of your project or programme including relevance?, cost effectiveness?, efficiency?, replicability? and sustainability? We need to evaluate our work because we need to be accountable for the resources that we use because resources are scarce and […]
Computer Simulation in Evaluation
Wouldn’t it be great to uncover some of the trouble spots in a program’s design before that program was implemented? At last year’s evaluation conference, I was able to attend a session put on by Jeff Wasbes and Jonathan Morell. The result: I’ve had “attempt computer simulation” on my todo list for the past year. […]
What is evaluation? 5 illustrations
So what is evaluation? Do you have a favorite definition? Is it the same definition used by your colleagues? How about your client’s definition? Definitions can be fun topics of discussion, especially when the definitions we hold close don’t match the definitions of those around us. About the illustrations So I’m trying a discussion-focused […]
Connecting Evaluation Bloggers
In my never ending quest to continuously overextend myself I have decided to make an attempt at connecting evaluation bloggers. My plan is to create a single site that integrates feeds from a number of evaluation blogs. I am hoping for three outcomes: 1) The creation of one source that will connect evaluators with a […]