Not only did my why evaluate series result in a string of comments, I also received a few cartoon contributions. Today’s post features three cartoons courtesy of Laureen Trainer. I asked Laureen to give a little context, here’s what she wrote: I’m always trying to think of reasons why organizations should evaluate as I work a […]
Limited Resources
Today's “Why Evaluate” cartoon inspired by Jonathan Mwewa: Evaluation helps you to answer to key questions of the existence of your project or programme including relevance?, cost effectiveness?, efficiency?, replicability? and sustainability? We need to evaluate our work because we need to be accountable for the resources that we use because resources are scarce and […]
Why Evaluate: 5 cartoons inspired by comments
In my first Why Evaluate post I asked for a little help coming up with more reasons. You came through in a big way, with a string of comments on my post and on LinkedIn/Twitter. Here is a set inspired by the post comments. I’ll have more based on the Social Media replies coming soon. […]
Why Evaluate? 5 reasons cartooned, know any others?
Why evaluate? It’s such a good question. I like it better than “what is evaluation.” It just seems more practical, less academic. So a big thanks to the those of you who suggested I take on the subject. Off the top of my head I came up with five reasons and cartooned them. What reasons […]