In practice we see two very different types of dashboards.
The first, the literal translation that evaluators tend to latch onto, is the dashboard that gives you all the data you need at your fingertips. These are hard to build because you need to both have the data your audience really needs AND actually understand what your audience needs.
The second type, the one I’ll be chatting about during today’s *designing for evaluation webinar, is really just a user interface for a dataset. A visual way in to a data file usually just thrown onto an organization’s website.
*This is a free to sign up series by the way, if you haven’t yet, you should join.
The original data is available as a list of downloadable CSV files. Click on the pic to see the original.
For this demo, I’ve pulled just one of the files and turned it into an interactive dashboard. Click on the pic to see the new demo.
Join me today, April 26 at 11AM Eastern as I discuss how to go from the before to the after.
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