In late April of this year (2018) Tableau released a new tool called Tableau Prep. So what is Tableau Prep? You know all that very unsexy data prep stuff you have to do before you can create anything interesting? The stuff you do to get the dataset ready for analysis in Excel, or maybe in […]
The Dashboard as a Dataset Interface
In practice we see two very different types of dashboards. The first, the literal translation that evaluators tend to latch onto, is the dashboard that gives you all the data you need at your fingertips. These are hard to build because you need to both have the data your audience really needs AND actually understand […]
Reporting for the Small Screen
Just a guess here, but I don’t think smart phones are going away anytime soon. I think it’s time to really start focusing on how we can use the technology as a reporting tool. And stop pretending that it’s not the place where a large number of our stakeholders engage with our programs on a […]
Stop trying to build a dream dashboard
I believe in the power of big dreams. I really do. Want to end world hunger? Awesome. Want to make sure that everyone in your city has a warm/dry place to sleep at night? Fantastic. Trying to build schools in areas devastated by global conflict? Go for it! But a dream dashboard? There is another name […]