Darn you interface. that was supposed to be clapping hands not ?
Love this post – sorry for being a classic #OkBoomer on my attempt to post a supportive comment.
Yes! It fully resonates! Fantastic post, thanks. I suddently fell less lonely in trying to get out of the report culture. The opportunity cost of conventional reporting is massive.Thanks so much for sharing this.
I think, Chris, that you are a storyteller. A visual storyteller. That’s pretty powerful and much-needed today because 1. People have short attention spans, 2. People like stories, 3. Stories convey important info in easily-digestible ways.
I can’t follow graphic novels. Bullet points and white space work for me with hyperlinks to the background noise if I want to go there.
I get that Clare, you are definitely not alone in that respect and I am sure quite a few of my regular readers can relate.
Darn you interface. that was supposed to be clapping hands not ?
Love this post – sorry for being a classic #OkBoomer on my attempt to post a supportive comment.
Ha, I got the question mark in an email and wondered if there was something wrong with the post 🙂
Yes! It fully resonates! Fantastic post, thanks. I suddently fell less lonely in trying to get out of the report culture. The opportunity cost of conventional reporting is massive.Thanks so much for sharing this.
I think, Chris, that you are a storyteller. A visual storyteller. That’s pretty powerful and much-needed today because 1. People have short attention spans, 2. People like stories, 3. Stories convey important info in easily-digestible ways.