Today’s graphic novella is inspired by the concept of rejecting the null. I created a cartoon about the null hypothesis almost a decade ago. I still find the concept really useful in thinking about evaluation. There is incredible power and importance in the choice that gets made when we don’t choose to change. So that’s […]
Schrodinger’s Outcome
Today’s post is a little evaluation graphic novella inspired by Schrödinger’s cat. No cats, real or fictional, were harmed while creating this post. I’ll drop a plain text version at the bottom. Plain Text Version Schrodinger’s Outcome Imagine a nonprofit program. Let’s say a food pantry. The food pantry was created to provide free emergency […]
The Effective Philanthropy Resource Site Showdown – [a graphic novel data analysis]
The digital world is filled with underutilized data. I created this experimental data analysis as a way to show how datasets embraced by the SEO world can be valuable evaluation resources. If the analysis leaves you with more questions. At the end of the post you will find a link to a Tableau Public dashboard […]
Report Design as Magazine Design [Graphic Novel Blog Post]
So what if you created reports the same way publishers created magazines? That’s the question behind today’s post. Here is a link to Canva magazine templates. Things to keep in mind when using Canva for this kind of report writing. Magazine templates are shown as covers. But many have internal spreads as well (article templates). […]
Rejecting the Null [graphic novel blog post]
Being a change maker is hard. Consider today’s graphic novel post a quick theoretical action guide.
Chart Guide: Dot Plots [graphic novel blog post]
A bar chart and a scatter plot had a little baby. In this short graphic novel guide I’ll walk you through dot plots, why they exist, and how to use them. Want more step by step Excel instructions? Stephanie has a couple of good guides: