My favorite bad chart sat nearly undisturbed for years in the kitchen cabinet of my former workplace. It was an almost ordinary looking bar chart adorning the side panel of a big yellow box of Lipton tea. It was the kind of chart that would be overlooked by most, but for some reason it always […]
Last Minute Presentation Design
So you did it again. You had months to draft your story, create your slides, and practice your talk. But here you are, a few days away from the big moment and not even close to ready. But don’t worry, all is not lost. The Assumption So I am going to assume that you have […]
Understand. Reach. Engage. A 3-part digital dissemination strategy
Far too many research and evaluation teams prioritize high quality dissemination like I prioritize learning a second language. It’s definitely on my list of things to do one day, but it’s so far down in priority that unless something changes it will likely never happen. So instead, we keep with the status quo. We write […]