Outside of my 9 to 5, the topic I get asked about the most is social media. So much so that I’ve started designing and writing a companion blog to this one just to cover the topic. If you’re interested I’ll have more info about in the next few weeks.
My first piece of advice when I get questions about blogging is to stop worrying about the tech, start reading other blogs and just start writing. To help that process I’ve decided to occasionally highlight some of my favorite bloggers by cartooning some of their ideas.
For this week’s post I’m cartooning Tom Murphy, who blogs at A View From The Cave. Tom does a really good job of pulling together larger discussions. He approaches topics with a critical eye and is always in search of evidence.
We had a short Skype chat a few weeks ago talking about such topics as social entrepreneurship, microfinance, and labor laws. The following cartoons were inspired both by that conversation and posts which Tom has written.
About the illustrations
The setup is a little different this week. Instead of giving you a blurb prior to each cartoon I put a link to a post Tom’s written about related topics.
Like usual, please feel free to use the cartoons in presentations, blog posts, etc.
p.s. I sent out a set of exclusive cartoons to my email list yesterday morning. If you like my work and want to see all my cartoons I suggest signing up because I plan to do more exclusives in the future.
GDP and well-being
Tom’s Post: Why it’s so difficult to measure progress and well-being in Africa
Who needs workplace safety?
Tom’s Post: Do the poor in Bangladesh need their jobs more than workplace safety?
Charity overheads
Tom’s Post: Charity overhead stats are useful, but not in the way you think
Double standard

Awareness campaigns
Tom’s Post: Moving Beyond #Kony2012 to Kony, the LRA and Activism
Social Entrepreneurship
Tom’s Post: Missed Connections: Hasina’s Take-down of Yunus and its Impact on Women
The inspiration for this came from our conversation. Since it’s not directly in Tom’s post, here’s a link from Kiva: Interest Rates (They’re High)
Enjoyed these quite a bit along with the accompanying blog posts! Just shared your blog and eval central with a new evaluation colleague overseas…these cartoons are unfortunately so true!
Glad you liked them Jamie 🙂