There were somewhere around 50 Ignite sessions at Evaluation 2012. Each one was recorded by Kevin Flora. Following the conference, Kevin will be going through each recording, editing and prepping for an eventual online release.
When I met Kevin on Thursday morning he refused the title of “tech guy.” Kevin is in an interdisciplinary doctoral program in Educational Sciences at the University of Kentucky. He is also a blogger at edmatics.
Several years ago, when I first started blogging and experimenting in the technical world, I also refused the title of tech guy. Now I own it, hopefully Kevin will too. As the world struggles with technology, academia is not exempt. It’s my opinion that we need more tech guys at the highest levels, only then will we see real change.
I am so a tech gal!
…owning it.
@susanjkistler totally Susan, I am also so giving you a cartoon some point soon 🙂