The majority of what I would consider to be my best cartoons have always been the products of simple collaboration.
Here is how it works. I talk to another evaluator and ask them if there is anything they are struggling with or if there are any complicated things they are having a hard time describing to others. And then we talk.
Eventually, through the conversation, cartoon ideas appear.

Years ago I started using Patreon as a way to fund my cartooning habit. I only have a handful of patrons (it’s gone up and down over the years), but their support has been instrumental in keeping my website alive.
I never really offered anything extra for my supporters. They helped because they valued the work I was already sharing.
But lately I find myself drawing more cartoons. Sometimes for others, sometimes for myself, and then weekly for this newsletter. They haven’t had a proper place to go (some of my cartoons don’t really fit on this blog and even though I use social media, I kind of hate it).

So I have decided to just start sharing ALL of my cartoons on Patreon. Whether the cartoons are destined for freshspectrum, some other website, a digital campaign, or simply my private collection, I’ll be sharing them.

So what does that mean for you?
Well, for most of you, nothing changes. I still plan to send out weekly newsletters with a handful of cartoons. All of my cartoons will still be creative commons licensed for use in presentations or blog posts. Basically, you’ll see the same number of cartoons you would normally see.
But if you are so inclined as to want to see more cartoons. I suggest becoming one of my patrons.

By being a Patron, you get the opportunity to directly influence my cartooning. So if there are certain ideas you wish I cartooned, well, here is your chance.

Want an autographed copy of my book?
So I’m running a special offer right now on Patreon. If you become a VIP Patron or above ($15/month), and stay for two months, I’ll mail you an autographed copy of my book.
In addition to that, I’m also running a secret offer that only people who read this newsletter will know about. I’ll be giving away 5 signed copies of my book to a random set of my Patrons who are there on November 1st. Then I’ll have a second drawing, giving away 5 more signed copies on December 1st.
So even $3/month Patrons get a pretty decent shot of getting a copy of my book signed and delivered.

Join Us!
Become a patron today >
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