Analytics are pretty useless if your website has no purpose.
Lessons Learned at #eval11 Google Analytics and Squishiness
I attended two sessions at Evaluation 2011 where Google Analytics was discussed. In both, the emphasis was placed on how you could use GA in evaluation practice; questions you could answer and how you would go about answering them. At some point or another a hand would raise and a technical question would be asked. […]
Why track visits?
Since the early days of website hit counters much of our analytic attention has been focused on overall site visits. Just about every piece of analytic software you try out will start you out with that metric showing you, day-by-day, how many people have visited your site. But is it really all that important? Say […]
Web Analytics: Page Tagging
Have you ever heard of a program called Google Analytics? It’s offered by some little online search company for absolutely no cost, just out of the kindness of their hearts…Or maybe the web giant is providing the service to help sell more ads, who can tell, either way it’s FREE. Google Analytics uses a method […]
Web Analytics: Logfile Analysis
Ok, so if you’re like some of the people I know, this might be your approach to web analytics… Dr. RandE: “Hmm, I would like to know how many people are visiting the blahblah foundation website. I’ll give my website guy, Chuck, a call.” Ring…Ring… Chuck: “Hello” Dr. RandE: “Hi Chuck, Dr. RandE here. I […]