Today’s reporting needs are diverse.
No more getting by with a long end of year report and a couple of briefs. Contemporary reports are layered collections of social media images, print one-pagers, posters, infographics, websites, and videos.
I design infographics using professional vector graphic design tools. By creating graphics using math instead of pixels, you can more easily scale your images anywhere from small social media images to large posters (and beyond!).
Infographics in Sketch
Sketch is my favorite layered infographic and report design tool.
Resulting graphics and charts are easy to layer, copy, and scale. It’s the perfect layered visual report design tool. And because visuals are vector based you don’t have the same pixelation problems you might have using amateur tools.
Infographics in Illustrator
While I create most of my infographics in Sketch, I still find places where Adobe Illustrator is the better choice. One of those is in graphical mapping. There are certainly tools that could automate mapping, but creating in Illustrator gives you complete creative control.
And sometimes a nice colored in map makes the perfect infographic centerpiece.
Interactive Infographics
As we continue to move reporting and dissemination to the web (and away from paper), interactive infographics become useful tools.
Using web design platforms we can mix and match different media to tell a story. Text, images, charts, interactive elements, audio clips, and videos can all become part of an interactive infographic. Contemporary tools make this level of professional interactivity more cost effective than ever before.
Always in Beta Interactive Infographics
There are certain visuals that are works in progress. Especially program models and strategic plans.
With the help of UX prototyping tools, not only can we allow these work in progress visuals to evolve we can also provide a platform for discussion and debate. Allowing for continuous tweaks in an ongoing feedback loop.