Karen Peterman, President
Karen Peterman Consulting, Co.
I have consulted with Chris for years, and find his expertise invaluable. On the formal side, I have commissioned Chris to create cartoons to help share my work, and he designed my web site. Now, as part of diydatadesign, he is helping me explore my own creative inclinations and inspiring me to do more of my own data design work. Chris is also my go-to source for all of the latest tips related to data analytics and dashboard design. He is an invaluable resource to the evaluation community overall, and to his clients in particular.
Gail Vallance Barrington, President
Barrington Research Group, Inc.
Barrington Research Group, Inc.
I have known Chris for a number of years and have always found his ideas both innovative and helpful, especially when developing my website and blog. Even better, my students love his cartoons!
Jeff Wasbes, Executive Deputy Director for Accountability
SUNY Charter Schools Institute
I collaborated with Chris on a blog post about Computer Simulation in Evaluation. His illustrations helped to simplify the the presentation to make it more digestible while maintaining the information’s accuracy and nuance. His reframing also helped connect the work to new audiences.
Aimee Russillo, Managing Partner
Liseed Consulting
The 2 minute video How To was so straightforward and inspired me to do my own infographic. It only took about 20 minutes with Canva but has lots of potential. I’ll be tweaking this and may even submit it with my next proposal!
Kate Livingston, Founder & Principal
ExposeYourMuseum LLC
The team at ExposeYourMuseum LLC love Chris’ design workshop. Not only is Chris a fantastic facilitator and guide as our team navigates creative tools and processes, he also provides countless resources, tips, and tricks that we’ve been able to put to use in our work right away. Chris’ approach is accessible and user-friendly enough for the novice creative while also proving to be inspiring and relevant to more experienced team members. Sign up! (Now!) You won’t have a single regret that you did.
David Fetterman, President & CEO
Fetterman & Associates
Fetterman & Associates
I shared a few articles and summaries about collaborative, participatory, and empowerment evaluation with Chris and he produced a simple cartoon that captured the essence of each approach quickly and effectively. We used it at our annual professional meeting to highlight the distinctive nature of each one. Many thanks Chris!
Michael Quinn Patton, Founder and Director
Utilization-Focused Evaluation
Chris has a knack for capturing and communicating the essence of an idea with insight and humor. That makes his cartoons evocative, provocative, high impact and memorable, which is why I use them. A lot.
Claire Thoma Emmons
Visitor Studies Association
Visitor Studies Association
We wanted to thank you so much for being part of the Visitor Studies Association Conference program. You delivered an excellent and very relevant talk. Thank you for taking the time to learn about our work and tailor your topic to our audience. Many people told me that your talk was their favorite part of the conference! As the folks responsible for the content of the program, it was wonderful to have the conference start off on such a strong and energetic note. I even sat in on one session where a [typically very traditional] presenter had added some sketches to her slides inspired by your talk!