Today’s cartoon inspiration is NTEN and Google Fiber’s Digital Inclusion Fellowship.
Because of the Internet, information is easier to access than ever. The web is where we go to get important questions answered, prepare homework assignments, apply to college, look for a job, or even help us care for loved ones. But with roughly 60 million people not yet using the Internet, the U.S. still has a long way to go before everyone is connected and can benefit from the web.
If you’re interested in applying for one of the 16 positions, you have until June 10th.
Since there’s no one solution to the digital divide, Fellows will approach the problem with a super-local focus. They’ll figure out what digital literacy needs their communities have and will build unique classes, programs, or resources to address those needs. Our hope is that by mid-2016, Fellows and organizations will have built sustainable, effective digital literacy programs that can act as the foundation for long-term digital inclusion efforts in their community.
And if you do get the fellowship in Raleigh or Durham (my neck of the woods) let me know. I’ll take you out for a cup of coffee and draw you a few cartoons if it will help the cause 🙂
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